It was hard for me to make it past the first chapter or two of this book. You know why? Because Troost is talking the whole time about he's this slackery guy that doesn't know what to do with his life and thinks writing would be fun, but doesn't put any effort into it. So he decides to up and leave all his responsibilities behind and go somewhere crazy hoping it'll spark some genius.
So why, you ask, do I hate this guy already? Because dammit he sounds exactly like me. No direction, no real solid plan, just an idea of some career that "might be fun." Which wouldn't bother me so much except for the fact that I'm holding this guy's book in my hand. I already know he's accomplished his goal and it makes me angry because he sounds like such a shlub. Like somehow this guy sat on his ass for a few years and managed to come up with a decent book and get it published without even trying. Ok, he probably tried a little bit, but I hate it when people make success look like it came so easy. Jerks.
But, in case you're wondering, I did make it past the first couple chapters. And it does get better. And I guess he pays his dues a little bit just in the fact that he lived on that God-forsaken island. You win this time,
Troost. But I'm watching you.