Sunday, March 28, 2010

Anniversary Awareness

In the spirit of celebrating and aware-ing ourselves of joyful awesomenesses, I want to announce: Paul and I just celebrated the anniversary of our first date. On March 17th. (St. Patty's Day.) The FIFTEENTH anniversary of our first date! (We will have achieved nine years of wedded bliss this coming August. But, come on! FIFTEEN! Such a cool, huge number! In three years I'll have spent HALF MY LIFE with the man! I mean, the dude. The truly kind, empathetic, hilarious dude. Who's getting hotter with every year and every receded hair, have I mentioned?)

Here's a photo (!!!!!!) of the free-form apple-pear turnover (recipe courtesy of Julia Child) I made him:

Hmm. Well, it's not as pretty as Kay's pix but I didn't have time to plate it before the photographer (Paul) went to bed. Still, you can tell, my offering was oozing with love.

There's no photo for this, but, Paul woke up early and bought me yellow and purple mums and gave me a funny-man CD (featuring the comedic stylings of the sadly dead Mitch Hedburg).

We're in love! 3(17)x15= 765 mega cubic watts of love!


  1. Wow I'm impressed! It's got "15" and a heart and everything! And it sounds delicious! I can't believe you guys have been together 15 years. You're the cutest couple ever :D

  2. Aw, shucks. Thanks for the compliments! Especially the cuteness thing.

    And, I'm so pumped that INVINCIBLE Chef Kay likes my messy pastry!

  3. C'mon Rach, aren't you impressed? You were but... a mere twelve years of age when Paul and I had our first kiss! That's forever ago!

    Oh, I know--you're probably jealous about the "cutest couple ever" designation. I've not seen you & Abe together, but, I'm betting you're the most something. Most dramatic couple ever? Most sleep-deprived? Most bitten?

    *sweet smiles at you*


  4. Congratulations! What a milestone. May your love continue to grow without end :D Eve

  5. Oh, Eve, thank you! Very much! That is so sweet.
