Sunday, November 8, 2009


I was watching a Martha Stewart episode today about artisanal cheeses (yeah I know I'm a dork). I'm pretty sure there is nothing better on Earth than cheese. Any kind of cheese. Anytime I see a display of various cheeses it just makes my mouth water. Whoever invented cheese is a genius.

Anyway, the Martha Stewart episode got me to thinking about the cheese making process, especially as it's described in detail in Goat Song. It's no wonder the good stuff costs so much... there's a lot involved. The timing has to be just right, the ingredients have to be just right, the measurements and temperatures have to be just right or else the cheese just won't work. It just seems like there are so many variables that it's a miracle it ever turns out at all. I decided that making cheese would only be fun if it was more of a hobby than a source of income and way of life. It would be way too stressful otherwise... at least for me.

Mainly I just wanted to do a short post because this blog has been neglected for far too long. Oh and one more thing, I learned that chevre is pronounced "chev", or at least that's how Martha said it. I'm glad I finally heard the pronunciation, it was driving me crazy not knowing how to say it. Crazy French people and their crazy French words.