Saturday, September 5, 2009

HooRAY for KAY!

I've never been in a book club before, and I've been really enjoying this ongoing "conversation" about books. I especially like the surprise of hearing from you guys at random times of day. It's felt to me like a pretty "balanced" conversation, with input from everyone. It feels like we're all joining in the conversation enthusiastically.

Which is perhaps why I haven't noticed... that Kay is heroically getting the conversational ball rolling more times than not! I'm still new to posting--I find it daunting. I don't want to just "blurt" out thoughts, I want to carefully craft them, when I post. My high expectations are probably why I seem to never post anything at all! But, anyway, imperfectly, here I am, trying to express gratitude to Kay for keeping the conversation zesty and fresh!

I'm also grateful and amazed that Rach has time to READ, much less COMMENT! HooRAY to you, too! (I think the Goat Book idea is too sublime for words!)

Scooters. The End.


  1. You guys are funny. I think I just have way too much time on my hands quite frankly. I just read stuff and then I get excited and want to disguss something so I hurry and write a post so I don't forget what I was thinking about. Hopefully I'm not stealing all the discussions.

    Also, I got my goat book today... I'm having a hard time restraining myself from plowing through it all tonight! I've read 10 pages and I want a goat and I want to live out in the country. Stupid responsibilities.
