Sunday, March 28, 2010

Time for some fun! Let's talk about Death!

.. at a FUNERAL, that is! I'm talking about the immensely amusing movie, Death at a Funeral (2007). DO see it. DON'T SEE THE REMAKE. It sucks. I can tell just by the preview. (Although, there is one cool thing about the crappy remake--it's black people appropriating something white people did.)

LOOK! I posted a picture! And got Paul only moderately grumpy, trying to help me figure out how to do it. (He says, I'm the one that got moderately snipey.) Also, he's the reason I saw this in the first place. Yay, Paul!


  1. HEY! What the? This looked cooler when I previewed it. The italicized letters all lined up nicely to the side of the picture. I normally do not spell Paul's alleged mood, "grump

    y." Just so you know.

  2. I see you've met my nemesis... BLOGGER SOFTWARE. Lol. I was so excited to see all these wonderfully long amazing posts! Yeah! This is way funner than reading my own stuff :D Also, I don't think Paul ever gets grump y. And I'll have to put that movie on my "to watch" list! But NOT the crappy remake. ;)

  3. Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed reading these. I enjoyed posting them. I was so proud of catching up after only, I dunno, six MONTHS of procrastinating. No--I was SO, SO proud and satisfied.

    I was really hopin' you'd enjoy 'em! And yay YOU for commenting on 'em so quick-like. That's so sweet!

    And, yeah, call me a liar, but I say, the ever-easygoing Paulie does get mildly grump y once in awhile. Just a tiny, tiny bit grump y.

    But never full-on grumpy. :)
