Friday, August 14, 2009

Love Walked In

I'm sure you all know that our new book is Love Walked In by Marisa de los Santos. On your mark, get set.... GO!*
*Just kidding. This is NOT a race. Because I would definitely lose. Otherwise it would be fine.


  1. Cute Karen,
    I'm not sure you wouldn't win even if it were truly a race--I think you finished the last book first.
    But if running were involved, for sure you'd win! (If maintaining cleverness while sleep-deprived were the issue, Rach would clean up. And, if eating cookies were involved, I'd have to lay odds on myself.)

    Equally irrelevantly--isn't the author a quite pretty lady?

  2. is this an online bookclub? i would love to join and ive alredy readthis book.
